Initial Prayers
By the sign of the Holy Cross, O Lord deliver us from all that is evil.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
On the first three beads we say three times:
Initial Prayer
Oh, Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, prostrated at Your Feet, we offer you the offerings of the whole while of Your Servant Saint Gerard Majella, who left the world and became Religious for Your Love, practicing Virtues in heroic and burning love to You. For the Love that He has had for You and for all that He suffered, we ask You, O United Hearts, heed our requests and make us properly appreciate the lessons that the Life of Your Servant Saint Gerald gives us, so that we may fulfill Your Holy Will here on earth, so that we may be worthy to praise You together with Him in Heaven forever. So be it.
First Mystery: We contemplate Saint Gerard from a very young age having a great life of piety and deep prayer, loving with burning Love Jesus and His Immaculate Mother, deserving thus to see Them and to speak with Them in the Chapel of Capodanno and we learn of Him to cultivate always a sincere Faith, solid piety, ardent life of prayer and Love to Jesus, Mary and Joseph and to the Heavenly Things, to Holy Things, the Things of God.
Message of Saint Gerard Majella in Jacareí, 1 April 2017.
Practice the virtues, be working souls, for the lazy will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Work, work well for God to bring joy and contentment to Him, and also to gain merits for eternal life.
Work also well for your bosses in this world, so that you too can give Him joy and contentment. And even with your work done with love you can add merits to eternal life.
I always worked well for both God when I was in the convent, and for My bosses when I was in the world and in everything I was perfect.
Be perfect also in all that you do, for that is what holiness consists in.
I bless you all with love from Muro Lucano, from Materdomini and from Jacareí.»
On the large bead we say one time:
On the small beads we say ten times:
At the end of each Mystery we say:
Second Mystery: We contemplate Saint Gerard with heroic patience, suffering humiliations and injustices throughout His youth, then making ardent penances to help Jesus and Mary to save the souls of poor sinners. And we learn from Him to endure with Patience for the sufferings of our life, and to help with small daily sacrifices in the conversion of poor sinners.
«I call you today to love Jesus Crucified, to love the Love, to love Mary Most Holy loving the beautiful Love with all the fibers of your heart, with all your soul so that you may truly be Palaces of the Lord, Palaces of the Mother of God, Their second Heaven on Earth.
Be the second Heaven of Jesus and Mary, loving Them with all the strength of your heart. Giving Them completely your soul, your generous “YES” and giving yourselves, offering your life every day to Them so that the Holy Will of the Lord and the Mother of God may be fulfilled in it. Thus, you will be truly signs of Their presence and of Their love in the world. And then all souls will be finally enlightened and saved by the grace of God which will spread through you on all souls.»
Be the second Heaven of Jesus and Mary, loving Them with all the strength of your heart. Giving Them completely your soul, your generous “YES” and giving yourselves, offering your life every day to Them so that the Holy Will of the Lord and the Mother of God may be fulfilled in it. Thus, you will be truly signs of Their presence and of Their love in the world. And then all souls will be finally enlightened and saved by the grace of God which will spread through you on all souls.»
On the large bead we say one time:
On the small beads we say ten times:
At the end of each Mystery we say:
And we learn from Him to practice all these Christian Virtues perfectly and to be Saints like Him, to give joy, contentment to God, and to please the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Message of Saint Gerard Majella in Jacareí, 14 October 2012.

On the large bead we say one time:
On the small beads we say ten times:
At the end of each Mystery we say:
Forth Mystery: We contemplate Saint Gerard resurrecting the dead; expelling the plagues and the Demons; healing the sick; reconciling warring families and converting the most stubborn sinners. And we learn from Him always to work for the Salvation of souls, for the Kingdom of the Sacred Hearts on Earth, and to be signs of the presence of God in the World, radiating the Light of Holiness in this world enveloped in darkness.
Message of Saint Gerard Majella in Jacareí, 14 October 2012.
«Be the second Heaven of Jesus, Mary and Joseph seeking to imitate Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Their virtues, in Their Love, in Their generosity, in Their purity, innocence and goodness, and so your souls, like spring blossoms of spring, will grow and will truly become a beautiful garden to enchant Their Sacred Hearts and the Most Holy Trinity.
I, Gerard, will help you to grow more and more in virtues, in the perfect love. But I need your faithful, total “YES”, unreservedly, without limits, given to Jesus, to His Blessed Mother and to Saint Joseph so that I may lead you on this path of perfection.»
On the large bead we say one time:
On the small beads we say ten times:
At the end of each Mystery we say:
Fifth Mystery: We contemplate Saint Gerard growing more and more in Holiness throughout His life, reaching the summit of the perfection of Virtues; suffering cruel slanders that made Him suffer, and finally surrendering His soul to God at only 29 years old, and finally receiving the Reward in Heaven. And we learn from Him the renunciation of all sin, the detachment of our rebel will to the Will of God, the Perseverance in the practice of Virtues, so that one day we may also reach the Crown of Eternal Life.
Message of Saint Gerard Majella in Jacareí, 14 October 2012.
«Let the young men give their “YES” as I gave Jesus, embracing Him and embracing His cross, having no other wife than the Holy Cross, the Holy Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Having no other bride than the Blessed Virgin, the heavenly bride of all souls who love Jesus and give their life completely to Jesus through Her. Loving nothing but the Sacred Redeemer in whom redemption is abundant.»
On the large bead we say one time:
On the small beads we say ten times:
At the end of each Mystery we say:
Final prayers
Oh Saint Gerard, Example of true love for God. We beseech You: Present Your merits together with our supplications to the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, to Whom we address in the Name of Your merits, so that They may hear our prayers and deign to grant us the Graces we ask for through you, together with the crown of eternal life.
May the merits of your whole life, O Saint Gerard Majella, destroy the forces of Hell in the world and save us from all evil.
By the merits of the life and sufferings of Saint Gerald Majella, Oh Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, save the World of the evils that threaten it. Amen.
May the merits of your whole life, O Saint Gerard Majella, destroy the forces of Hell in the world and save us from all evil.
By the merits of the life and sufferings of Saint Gerald Majella, Oh Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, save the World of the evils that threaten it. Amen.