The seer had made many more Chaplets of Saint Agatha of Catania, you can see them here here.
Initial Prayers
By the sign of the Holy Cross, O Lord deliver us from all that is evil.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
On the first three beads we say three times:
Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, look to the merits of Saint Agatha of Catania who shed His blood for Love to you on Earth and who loves you most ardently in Heaven.
Initial Prayer
Oh, Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, prostrated at Your Feet, we offer You the merits of the Martyrdom of Saint Agatha of Catania, who shed Her blood for Your Love, defending with heroic courage and burning Love your Name and Your Catholic Faith. By the ardent Love that She had when She shed Her blood for You, we ask You, O United Hearts, to hear our requests and make us properly appreciate the lessons that the life of Your Servant, Saint Agatha of Catania, gives us in order to that we may fulfill Your Most Holy Will here on earth, that we may be worthy to praise You together with Her in the Glory of Heaven. Amen.
First Mystery: We contemplate Saint Agatha receiving Baptism, learning with Love the Mysteries of the Holy Catholic Faith, and living an intense life of prayer. And we learn from Her to meditate on the Word of God, the Messages of the Sacred Hearts and the Life of the Saints to be like Her: True Catholics, great Saints for the greater Glory of God.
«Beloved My brothers, I, Agatha of Catania, am very happy to come Here today with the Mother of God once again to bless you and to say: I love you all! I love all of you with all My heart!
I love you and I have protected you from all the evils that now in this moment make so many souls fall into the hands of Satan and lose the Salvation. I love you, I have heard your prayers and to no one have I left abandoned or forsaken.
I love you and I ask you to: Love the Divine Love that loved Me and made Me a most brilliant star in Heaven, who still throws light rays in the midst of the darkness of humanity without God to enlighten it and show to it the right way of the Salvation.
Love the Divine Love by opening the doors of your hearts to Him. Do not be afraid of this Love! Do not be afraid to experience this Love! Give this Love a chance and you will see what it will be able to do. Do not block it, do not stop it, do not keep it more concentrated in the Heart of Jesus and Mary. But rather, let this Divine Love, this Flame of Love come down to you and turn you into Incessant Flames of Love.
Love the Divine Love by renouncing the worldly things that prevent you from receiving and living this Love, giving the fruits of this Love. And also to be transfigured in these flames of love becoming the perfect humanity realized in God as the Virgin Mary is.
Then you will be transformed into the image and likeness of God, you will have His Love, you will have His Grace, you will become heirs of the eternal happiness. And the Father will reveal to you the secrets of His love, which He reveals only to those who open their hearts to Him by becoming His friends and close friends.»
I love you and I have protected you from all the evils that now in this moment make so many souls fall into the hands of Satan and lose the Salvation. I love you, I have heard your prayers and to no one have I left abandoned or forsaken.
I love you and I ask you to: Love the Divine Love that loved Me and made Me a most brilliant star in Heaven, who still throws light rays in the midst of the darkness of humanity without God to enlighten it and show to it the right way of the Salvation.
Love the Divine Love by opening the doors of your hearts to Him. Do not be afraid of this Love! Do not be afraid to experience this Love! Give this Love a chance and you will see what it will be able to do. Do not block it, do not stop it, do not keep it more concentrated in the Heart of Jesus and Mary. But rather, let this Divine Love, this Flame of Love come down to you and turn you into Incessant Flames of Love.
Love the Divine Love by renouncing the worldly things that prevent you from receiving and living this Love, giving the fruits of this Love. And also to be transfigured in these flames of love becoming the perfect humanity realized in God as the Virgin Mary is.
Then you will be transformed into the image and likeness of God, you will have His Love, you will have His Grace, you will become heirs of the eternal happiness. And the Father will reveal to you the secrets of His love, which He reveals only to those who open their hearts to Him by becoming His friends and close friends.»
On the large bead we say one time:
On the small beads we say ten times:
Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, hear our supplications for the merits of the Martyrdom of Saint Agatha of Catania.
At the end of each Mystery we say:
Second Mystery: We contemplate Saint Agatha vowing to consecrate herself totally to Jesus and to His Most Holy Mother, to be only Theirs forever. And we learn from Her to love God and His Immaculate Mother with all our heart, and to serve Him with Love throughout our lives.
Message from Saint Agatha in Jacareí, 05 February 2017.
«God sent Our Most Holy Queen Here to offer you this friendship with Him, the friendship of love, the love-friendship. If you accept this Love, God will come to you, reveal to you the secrets of His Love, that is, He will make known to you what He wants, what He wants, what He wishes for you, what He expects of you.
He will reveal to you His mysteries, that are hidden from men, from worldlings who do not want this love. And then your soul will be pierced with the rays of God's love. The arcane secrets of Heaven will be unveiled before you. And then you will see, but not with the eyes of the flesh, with the eyes of the soul, you will see how much God has loved you, how much God has done for you.
You will see the glory of God, the beauty of God and the infinite extent of God's Love for you. This is what happened to Me, I opened My Heart to the love-friendship of God on the afternoons that I spent in uninterrupted prayer in My Garden.
And when I opened My heart to the love-friendship for the Lord, He came to Me, He made me feel His Love, He made Me experience His Love, He revealed His loving Face to Me, He unveiled before Me His Secrets, He made Me see what he wanted from Me, what He expected from Me.
And when I saw Him, when I saw the face of the Lord with the eyes of My soul, with the eyes of the Love. Then My soul bonded to Him forever, My soul threw itself into Him like the iron in the furnace.
And then My soul merged with Him, became one with Him, and then He came to live in Me and it was no longer Me who lived in Me, but it was Him who lived in Me. If you open your hearts to this Love, the same will happen to you.
God does not have any friends, while all of you have so many, only He and His Mother do not have any true friends who have love for Them and want to unite with Him for the love of intimacy.
Be you the souls who want to have this love with Them while so many do not want to have. And then I say to you: You will also become other Agathas, other Aghatas who will enlighten the world with the light of the Love, with the light of the Divine Love.
And then all souls will know this Love and knowing this Love, knowing this Truth will be saved by this Truth.
I will help you with My prayers; continue to pray My Rosary whenever you can, because through it I am going to give you many and many Graces.»
He will reveal to you His mysteries, that are hidden from men, from worldlings who do not want this love. And then your soul will be pierced with the rays of God's love. The arcane secrets of Heaven will be unveiled before you. And then you will see, but not with the eyes of the flesh, with the eyes of the soul, you will see how much God has loved you, how much God has done for you.
You will see the glory of God, the beauty of God and the infinite extent of God's Love for you. This is what happened to Me, I opened My Heart to the love-friendship of God on the afternoons that I spent in uninterrupted prayer in My Garden.
And when I opened My heart to the love-friendship for the Lord, He came to Me, He made me feel His Love, He made Me experience His Love, He revealed His loving Face to Me, He unveiled before Me His Secrets, He made Me see what he wanted from Me, what He expected from Me.
And when I saw Him, when I saw the face of the Lord with the eyes of My soul, with the eyes of the Love. Then My soul bonded to Him forever, My soul threw itself into Him like the iron in the furnace.
And then My soul merged with Him, became one with Him, and then He came to live in Me and it was no longer Me who lived in Me, but it was Him who lived in Me. If you open your hearts to this Love, the same will happen to you.
God does not have any friends, while all of you have so many, only He and His Mother do not have any true friends who have love for Them and want to unite with Him for the love of intimacy.
Be you the souls who want to have this love with Them while so many do not want to have. And then I say to you: You will also become other Agathas, other Aghatas who will enlighten the world with the light of the Love, with the light of the Divine Love.
And then all souls will know this Love and knowing this Love, knowing this Truth will be saved by this Truth.
I will help you with My prayers; continue to pray My Rosary whenever you can, because through it I am going to give you many and many Graces.»
On the large bead we say one time:
Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, look to the merits of Saint Agatha of Catania who shed His blood for Love to you on Earth and who loves you most ardently in Heaven.
On the small beads we say ten times:
Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, hear our supplications for the merits of the Martyrdom of Saint Agatha of Catania.
At the end of each Mystery we say:
Saint Agatha of Catania, pray to God for us and give us the Peace.
Third Mystery: We contemplate Saint Agatha living continually in prayer, in Divine Charity; renouncing the vain things of the world and being arrested for being Catholic by the evil Mayor Quintiano (a governor of Sicily), before whom She courageously defended the Name of Jesus, of Mary Most Holy and of the Holy Catholic Faith.
She bravely resisted the promises of wealth and love of life made by Quintian. And we learn from She the Love of prayer, the renunciation of all worldly temptations, that want to separate us from God, and always defend by word and deed the Holy Catholic Faith and the Holy Messages of the Sacred Hearts in Their Apparitions in Jacareí.
She bravely resisted the promises of wealth and love of life made by Quintian. And we learn from She the Love of prayer, the renunciation of all worldly temptations, that want to separate us from God, and always defend by word and deed the Holy Catholic Faith and the Holy Messages of the Sacred Hearts in Their Apparitions in Jacareí.
Message from Saint Agatha in Jacareí, 01 November 2013.
«My beloved brethren, I, Agatha, Agueda, bless you today and I say to you also: Despise yourselves, the vain things of this world and love Jesus, esteem heavenly things and you will see how your life and your soul will be full of an indescribable joy that you have never known in this world. When man gives up his will and desires nothing that God does not want, then he is free, he is happy, he possesses an unknown Peace of all mortals and in this Peace he swims, he truly is thrilled. And in this Peace he lives in such a profound and admirable way that God and him become one, one flame of love, one source of living water that flows these waters of Grace and Salvation to all the souls of the whole world.
Give your heart to Jesus, give your heart completely to God, mortifying your will by dying for yourselves each day and you will go on safely and speedily on the path of holiness every day.
I am with you, I love you and protect you.»
Give your heart to Jesus, give your heart completely to God, mortifying your will by dying for yourselves each day and you will go on safely and speedily on the path of holiness every day.
I am with you, I love you and protect you.»
On the large bead we say one time:
Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, look to the merits of Saint Agatha of Catania who shed His blood for Love to you on Earth and who loves you most ardently in Heaven.
On the small beads we say ten times:
Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, hear our supplications for the merits of the Martyrdom of Saint Agatha of Catania.
At the end of each Mystery we say:
Saint Agatha of Catania, pray to God for us and give us the Peace.
Fourth Mystery: We contemplate Saint Agatha martyred in the furnace by order of the evil Quintian. First being trapped in the rack (torture instrument) which dislocated all Her limbs, then having Her breasts cruelly cut and plucked with knives and iron tongs; being thrown later in the dungeon to die of pain, fever and thirst. Heroically guarding Her Faith and the Love of Jesus. And we learn from Her the true love of God, the Virtue of Constancy, of Patience, and the fidelity to God and Our Lady in the sufferings of our lives.
Message from Saint Agatha in Jacareí, 01 January 2018.

«Peace Marcos, My beloved brother. I am so happy to see you again today.
My brothers, I am very happy to see you here today and to be able to bless you all.
You know that both I and Agnes suffered painful martyrdoms for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the love of the Most Holy Mary, for the love of the Holy Catholic Faith.
You all know how much I suffered to witness My faith and My love for My Lord and for My Mother.
I invite you to be strong in this time of the great tribulation, which is already at its end.
Keep the flame of faith lighted, and fight the good fight by detaching yourselves from yourselves and renouncing your disordered desires and your will that always inclines to the contrary direction of the Lord's Will.
Oppose to the defects the virtues. Better for a man who has spent all day fighting against his own will, than a man who has spent a whole year traveling the earth, doing preaches that admires men. The fruit of the man who fights against him will be lasting and truer.
This is the greatest work that GOD wants of you! That you fight against your will, against your inclinations, and that you triumph over your corrupted “I/self”, always opposing virtues to defects and crucifying your will so that only the Will of our Lord lives in you.
This year I will help you a lot and I will perform in your souls great operations of Grace.
Collaborate with Me! So that together We may reach the holiness which the Mother of God expects of all of you.
The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will happen, even if everyone converts before, or else, that no man will convert. But it will only receive the Crown of Victory the one who now combat the good fight.
It is the desire of the Mother of God that throughout this year you do your utmost to make Her Messages known to all.
See that the hours pass quickly, and the time is gone. It is necessary to act with prayer and effort and the rest will do the Grace of God.
Be truly imitators of Christ. Only when your heart is changed, replaced by the Immaculate Heart of Mary will your souls truly be pleasing to God.
And how it is substituted one heart for the other? Dying to yourselves, renouncing your own will to do the Will of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Thus day by day your heart will die and another heart will emerge in its place, the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Only when your heart disappears and in the place of it the Immaculate Heart of Mary emerges, the Holy Spirit can come upon you and live in you forever.
Do this exercise every day and then in the place of the 'old creature' there will emerge a 'new creature' in God.
The Peace Marcos, I bless you deeply today.
In the month of March on the 3rd Sunday, I and Agnes will return one more time Here.
Pray to Us more, make Us novenas and We will be able to act in your life with more force.
I bless you Marcos.»
My brothers, I am very happy to see you here today and to be able to bless you all.
You know that both I and Agnes suffered painful martyrdoms for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the love of the Most Holy Mary, for the love of the Holy Catholic Faith.
You all know how much I suffered to witness My faith and My love for My Lord and for My Mother.
I invite you to be strong in this time of the great tribulation, which is already at its end.
Keep the flame of faith lighted, and fight the good fight by detaching yourselves from yourselves and renouncing your disordered desires and your will that always inclines to the contrary direction of the Lord's Will.
Oppose to the defects the virtues. Better for a man who has spent all day fighting against his own will, than a man who has spent a whole year traveling the earth, doing preaches that admires men. The fruit of the man who fights against him will be lasting and truer.
This is the greatest work that GOD wants of you! That you fight against your will, against your inclinations, and that you triumph over your corrupted “I/self”, always opposing virtues to defects and crucifying your will so that only the Will of our Lord lives in you.
This year I will help you a lot and I will perform in your souls great operations of Grace.
Collaborate with Me! So that together We may reach the holiness which the Mother of God expects of all of you.
The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will happen, even if everyone converts before, or else, that no man will convert. But it will only receive the Crown of Victory the one who now combat the good fight.
It is the desire of the Mother of God that throughout this year you do your utmost to make Her Messages known to all.
See that the hours pass quickly, and the time is gone. It is necessary to act with prayer and effort and the rest will do the Grace of God.
Be truly imitators of Christ. Only when your heart is changed, replaced by the Immaculate Heart of Mary will your souls truly be pleasing to God.
And how it is substituted one heart for the other? Dying to yourselves, renouncing your own will to do the Will of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Thus day by day your heart will die and another heart will emerge in its place, the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Only when your heart disappears and in the place of it the Immaculate Heart of Mary emerges, the Holy Spirit can come upon you and live in you forever.
Do this exercise every day and then in the place of the 'old creature' there will emerge a 'new creature' in God.
The Peace Marcos, I bless you deeply today.
In the month of March on the 3rd Sunday, I and Agnes will return one more time Here.
Pray to Us more, make Us novenas and We will be able to act in your life with more force.
I bless you Marcos.»
On the large bead we say one time:
Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, look to the merits of Saint Agatha of Catania who shed His blood for Love to you on Earth and who loves you most ardently in Heaven.
On the small beads we say ten times:
Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, hear our supplications for the merits of the Martyrdom of Saint Agatha of Catania.
At the end of each Mystery we say:
Saint Agatha of Catania, pray to God for us and give us the Peace.
Message from Saint Agatha in Jacareí, 16 March 2008.

«Dearest brothers, I, Agatha, I bless you and give you the Peace.
It matters little if the bird is caught by a thick or thin thread, it will not be able to fly as long as it does not smash the thick or thin thread. It will not be able to fly until it breaks the thread that holds it, prevents it from flying to the high altitudes.
It matters little that what binds the soul to creatures is a small or great attachment, so long as it does not get rid of it it can not fly in the heights of holiness and of the supernatural love.
Know, My dear brothers, that it is not only mortal or venial sin that weakens and deprives you of the Divine Grace and of the supernatural union with God. But also the small imperfections of day to day, such as talking too much, wanting to know news, curiosities and facts about the life of others, attachment to this or that object, attachment to this or that thing, a thought, even fleeting of some sensitive pleasure or delight of nature, the indecent and immodest words.
All these things not only deprive you of Divine Grace, but also make it impossible for the supernatural union of your souls with God.
The soul can not unite with God, if it does not first overcome these small imperfections.
The constantly inquiring soul, the undisciplined soul, the irreverent soul, the concupiscent soul can not unite with God until it has made the necessary cleansing in itself in order to begin to climb the mountain of the perfection.
The soul that wants to climb this mountain, the mountain of Heaven, of Holiness, but does not want to mend of its small imperfections, is like someone who wants to climb a mountain by pushing a car, will get tired, can not and still it will rush into the abyss crushed by its own car: of the pleasures and the of attachments that it tried to drag the hillock up hill.
The bird that is bound to matter by the thread (link) of attachments will try to escape flapping its wings, but will only tire and will be easy prey of its predators. So too the soul, while not breaking with the small attachments it possesses, will only tire in its attempt to follow the Saints, to follow Mary Immaculate. Besides not being able to fly, it will only tire itself and will become easy prey for its spiritual predators: sin, the world and demons.
Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, put the knife and the sickle in those threads that bind you so that you can fly freely in the direction of holiness. You have nothing to fear, am I not here that I am your sister? That I love you and that I am for you? Who then shall be against you? Who can defeat you if I who already conquered, who already won in Heaven, I am for you?
Stand firm, go ahead, walk in grace, walk in love, walk on the road of self-denial to yourselves and you will reach the great holiness, you will give great glory to God and to the Virgin Mary and you will draw with you to Heaven an uncountable multitude of charmed souls, attracted by the perfume of your perfection.
I will help you, pray, continue to obey all the Messages of Love that Heaven gives you Here.
Now, Most Holy Mary, Our Queen, Agnes and I bless you finally and give you the Peace.»
On the large bead we say one time:
Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, look to the merits of Saint Agatha of Catania who shed His blood for Love to you on Earth and who loves you most ardently in Heaven.
On the small beads we say ten times:
Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, hear our supplications for the merits of the Martyrdom of Saint Agatha of Catania.
At the end of each Mystery we say:
Saint Agatha of Catania, pray to God for us and give us the Peace.
On the last three beads we say three times:
Final Prayers
May Your blood shed for Love to the Sacred Hearts, O Saint Agatha of Catania, destroy the Infernal forces of the Evil One in the World and free us from all evils.
By the merits of Saint Agatha of Catania, Oh Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, save the world of threatening Perdition. Amen.