(Saint Joachim): “Marcos, transmit this my message
to all men, to all the children of my daughter Mary. Imitate the love of my
daughter Mary for the Lord. She loved God so much, that of Him, She became
Mother. She loved God so much that She begot Him in her womb. She loved God so
much that the very Angels of heaven came from Heaven to learn with her the true
love to God. The Angels came down from Heaven to burn themselves in Mary's love
for the Lord. So you must do too. Come closer to my daughter Mary through an
intense life of prayer made with the heart and also with the desire to truly
know her, love her and learn with her, the true love that pleases God. Pray
with the heart. Love Mary truly and give your hearts and your lives so that She
can lead you through the road of the true love. Imitate the obedience of my
daughter Mary to the Lord so that you can truly grow in the holiness that
pleases God. I love and protect all those who love my daughter Mary and all
those who are her true students in her school of holiness and also I love them
as if they were my children. Pray the Rosary every day, because my daughter
Mary never let a true child of Her who love her Rosary be lost. I, Joachim,
bless you all with love now from Nazareth, from Bethlehem and from Jacarei.”
(Saint Anne): “My beloved Marcos, tell all men that they must
convert themselves as soon as possible.
My daughter Mary
gave messages in Akita, Japan, but it did no good for this hard, unbelieving,
God-rebellious humanity. She cried tears in that place more than 100 times, but
the tears of my daughter Mary fell in the desert and there were no generous
souls who wanted to comfort, love, obey her and also make her known and loved
all over the world. Therefore, a great punishment will come from Heaven. The
message my daughter Mary gave in Akita was one of the last seals of Revelation
opened to alert all mankind. If humanity does not respond to my daughter Mary's
call, a great punishment will come upon it. This punishment has already been
made known to many and many saints, to many and many privileged souls, but, just
as it happened with John the Baptist and also with the Lord Jesus Christ,
mankind rejects one by one of the warnings God sends it to try save it. Now if
humanity does not listen to Akita, if humanity does not listen to the messages
my daughter Mary gives in this place, there will be no more mercy.
Pray, pray the
Rosary every day, and do penance, for only prayer and penance can save the
Read the whole
book of Ecclesiasticus chapter 3 and try to put into practice in the life of
all of you the word of the Lord. Just as I read to my daughter Mary and explain
the scriptures, so too I want to teach you to love and fulfill God's word with
love. I taught my daughter Mary to say ‘Yes’ to the Lord and I also want to
teach you all to say ‘Yes’ to the Lord's will which is grace, peace and
To all I bless
you with love from Nazareth, from Bethlehem, from Jerusalem and from Jacareí.”