(Mary Most Holy): “Dear children, today, I call you all to advance more degrees in the true love for God.
After you unite more to God for the inner life of the soul, the cultivation of spirituality, of prayer and of meditation, you must grow in the degrees of this true love renouncing everything that in your heart still prevents the perfect union of you with God.
Renounce to everything whether in personal life, or in the relationship with people of this time so mundane and so fallen in sin. And even to your spiritual attachments to grow in the true love.
I know that you have heard this from Me many and many times, but, for real, to this day you did not put it into practice, so I have to keep repeating the same things and it tires Me.
Finally put into practice what I tell you and even in meditation it is necessary after a certain time of walking in it, to renounce even to your own personal intentions and even to the personal imaginations that sometimes in prayer comes in your hearts, so that the your soul be completely pacified, completely docile to the action of God within you.
In fact, you must be like a blank sheet where God can print what He wants, where He can engrave what He wants or write what He wants. So it must be your soul at the moment of the deep prayer with the heart.
Therefore, in the hour of prayer it is necessary to renounce even to the impulses of the imagination, which always come to put the human things in the midst of prayer. Those who truly walk in the spiritual life will understand My Words.
Those who do not understand: pray, pray and pray until you can understand, until you advance in the meditation and comprehend what I tell you.
It is also necessary that you do at least once a week the spiritual cleansing of your souls. That is, that you save time to do a good examination of conscience, to see in what you are failing and to undertake the struggle with new vigor to overcome within yourself your faults.
This will cause you to advance a lot and that you truly seek during all day a reserved retreat,without anyone, to be alone with Me and with God, where I will truly visit your hearts, and I will make your hearts to experience the sweet Peace that only has those who live united with Me in the deep prayer of the heart.
I also desire you to meditate more on the Messages that I gave in Heede, because the Warnings that I and My Son Jesus gave to the world at that time were not heard, were not believed. And because of this the world, more and more, is heading for its complete destruction.
It is necessary to make known Heede to My children, so that they will truly hasten themselves in corresponding to the Messages of My Immaculate Heart and thus avoid as much as possible the great Chastisements that the Divine Justice prepares to punish the world for its crimes.
Pray and continue spreading My Apparition in La Salette, the more people know La Salette, the more souls will come out of the blindness of sin, of the spiritual blindness that prevents them from seeing the terrible state of the world, of the Church and of society in general.
It is only when La Salette be known and obeyed that the realm of Satan will truly be overthrown in this world and My Heart will triumph!
Continue praying My Rosary every day, because through it I will lead you, more and more higher in the spiritual life, in the life of union with God and in the holiness that God expects of you and that I have come to produce Here in all of you.
To this My most blessed, very favorite son, I now bless with love and all My obedient children, of LOURDES, of LA SALETTE and of JACAREÍ.”