Most Loving Heart of Saint Joseph, revealed in the Apparitions of Jacareí |
“I wish that every day you offer special prayers to My mother and St. Joseph, My most sweet guardian.”
– Jesus to St. Margaret Mary
If we exclude Our Lord, it can hardly be disputed that Mary, the Immaculate Conception, is the greatest Saint in Paradise.
After Our Lady, we have St. Joseph. [This, at least, is the contention of many holy and learned individuals.]
“I wish I could persuade everyone to be devoted to this glorious saint,” said St. Teresa of Avila, “for I have great experience of the blessings which he can obtain from God.” She goes on to say that she has never known anyone who was devoted to this humble Saint, who did not advance noticeably in virtue. Ask for his intercession and he will help you! His love and protection for the Mystical Body of Christ is immense!
Some Revelations About St. Joseph
“Benigne wishes to know the excellences of St. Joseph; let her know, then, that he is seated in Heaven near his Spouse, my blessed Mother, in one of the highest places; that the whole Trinity regards him, treats him, and glorifies him as the foster father of My Sacred Humanity, and that we readily grant all that is asked of us in his name and by his intercession.”
– Jesus to S.G. Sr. Jeanne Benigne Gojos
“The whole human race has much undervalued the privileges and prerogatives conceded to my blessed spouse and they know not what his intercession with God is able to do. I assure thee, my dearest, that he is one of the greatly favored personages in the divine presence and has immense power to stay the arms of divine vengeance.”
– Our Lady to Ven. Mary of Agreda
“In an ecstasy, a saint has seen the body of St. Joseph preserved intact in a tomb, the site of which is yet unknown. The more the glorious Spouse of the most Blessed Virgin is honored, the sooner will the finding of his body take place, which will be a day of great joy for the Church.”
– S.G. Fr. Paul of Moll
“What you request shall be granted.”
– Almighty God to St. Joseph*
[*According to Maria Cecilia Baij, O.S.B., these words were addressed to St. Joseph in response to his many requests for the conversion of a hardened sinner, while he was on earth]
“You must see to it that you continually increase your love and devotion to this great Saint. In all your necessities, you must avail yourself of his protection, under all circumstances you must encourage as many people as possible toward this devotion . . . for indeed, whatever my devoted spouse requests in Heaven, the Almighty God will grant on Earth.”
– Our Lady to Ven. Mary of Agreda
“… at the name of St. Joseph, the spouse of the Virgin Mother, all the saints made a profound inclination to him, testifying, by the serenity and sweetness of their looks, that they rejoiced with him for his exalted dignity.”
– A Vision Granted to St. Gertrude
Some Prayers of St. Joseph
The following prayers are taken from ‘The Life of Saint Joseph as manifested by Our Lord, Jesus Christ to Maraia Cecilia Baij, O.S.B.’
According to this privileged soul, St. Joseph addressed these prayers to Almighty God while he was on earth:
“See, oh my God, I am all Yours! There is nothing that can separate me from You. I have nothing but You. You are my entire inheritance, my only support. You are my consolation, my entire good. From you alone do I expect help and strength. I desire nothing besides You. I reject all that the world has to offer me. Gladly do I choose poverty, humiliation, suffering, for by them I will please You, Who are my Lord and my God, and therefore, possess complete dominion over me.” (p. 52)
“My God, afflict me with tribulations and chastisements; I am prepared to suffer anything, if only You shall no longer be offended or displeased!” (p. 67)
“May Your almighty arm uphold me! I place myself entirely into Your loving, Fatherly arms.”
– St. Joseph (p. 47)