Date: Saturday 13th May 1944
Time: 18:00
Attendance: Adelaide and some little girl friends
Vision: the Holy Family
From Adelaide's diary:
"I was picking flowers for the image of the Virgin Mary which hangs halfway down the stairs in my home. I had also picked some daisies and I had arranged them into a wheelbarrow that my dad had made. I saw a beautiful elder flower but it was far above my reach for me to pick. I stood there, admiring it, when I saw a golden spot coming down from above and drawing near the earth little by little; while it was approaching it got bigger and bigger and I could make out the presence of a beautiful Lady with Baby Jesus in her arms and Saint Joseph on her left. The three persons were enveloped into three oval circles of light and remained suspended in space not far from the wires.
The Lady, beautiful and majestic, was wearing a white dress and a blue mantle; on her right arm she carried a Rosary made of white beads; on her bare feet two white roses stood. Her dress was set off by a string of pearls, all equal, tied in gold in the shape of a necklace. The circles enveloping the three persons were bright with shades of golden light. At first I was scared and was on the point of running away, but the Lady called me in a sweet voice and said: “Do not run away, as I am the Virgin Mary!”. So I stopped for gazing at her, but I was a little afraid. The Virgin Mary looked at me, then added: “You must be good, obedient, respectful of your neighbours and sincere: pray well and come back to this place for nine evenings, always at this time”.
Our lady looked at me for a few seconds and then slowly went off, without turning her back on me. I kept staring at them intently until a whitish cloud hid them form my view. Baby Jesus and Saint Joseph did not speak; they only looked at me with an amiable expression".
Seeing Adelaide enraptured in ecstasy, her little friends called her and shook her, but without success, so much so that her sister Palmina, deeply impressed, ran to her mother to tell her that Adelaide was dead but on her feet. Slowly recovering from her ecstasy, Adelaide confided her friends about her vision of Our Lady but she did not talk about that once back home, so that the evening meal took place peacefully. Her little friends weren't as discrete though and so the rumour started spreading in the village.
Date: Sunday 14th May 1944
Time: 18:00
Attendance: Adelaide, some young girls and one boy
Vision: The Holy Family
From Adelaide's diary:
"I was at the parish recreation centre with my playmates, but towards six hours I felt a great wish to run to the place where Our Lady had invited me to. I was off like a shot with some of my mates; once on the place I instinctively looked up and saw two white doves, then further up I saw the bright spot approach and turn into the clear and majestic form of the Holy Family.
"I was at the parish recreation centre with my playmates, but towards six hours I felt a great wish to run to the place where Our Lady had invited me to. I was off like a shot with some of my mates; once on the place I instinctively looked up and saw two white doves, then further up I saw the bright spot approach and turn into the clear and majestic form of the Holy Family.
At first they smiled at me, then Our Lady repeated what she had told me yesterday: “You must be good, obedient and sincere, and you must pray well and be respectful of your neighbour. Between your fourteenth and fifteenth year, you will become a Sacramentina nun. You will suffer a lot, but do not weep, as you will come with me to Paradise!”. Then she went away slowly and disappeared like the evening before.
I felt a tremendous joy in my heart on account of the plain words of Our Lady and the impression of her sweet presence was deeply engraved in my mind. I went back to the recreation centre with my mates; halfway down the road I met a good boy who questioned me. When I confirmed I had seen Our Lady, he anxiously asked me:"Go back and see if she appears again, then try and ask her if I may become a priest and devote my life to Her." I went back hurriedly, and looked up hoping Our Lady would come back. And really after few minutes Her beautiful presence manifested itself again. I expressed Candido' wish again (the boy was present this time). She answered in a sweet and motherly voice: : “Yes, he will become a Missionary Father according to my Sacred Heart, when the war is over”. After saying so, she slowly disappeared.
When the vision was over, I felt my apron pulled by the boy who apprehensively asked me what Our Lady had said. I reported Our Lady's words to him and he ran home happily to tell his mother about this. I went back home with my friends and I felt a big joy in my heart. Our Lady, before going away, had told me to go back again for seven evenings".
Adelaide soon experienced the truth of the second prophecy. That evening, over the family supper, she was harshly rebuked. Father A. Tentori writes that in this apparition Our Lady confirmed Candido's vocation "to whom She smiled" but then Adelaide let out a brief cry ad hid her face in her hands, without explaining why. Probably she had learnt about the suffering that that vocation would cost her friend. Meanwhile, the news of the apparitions had crossed the frontier of Ghiaie di Bonate.
Date: Monday 15th May 1944
Time: 18:00
Attendance: Adelaide, 2 little girl friends and a hundred people
Vision: The Holy Family (brighter than usual)
From Adelaide's diary:
"Little before six hours, I reached the place of the apparitions with my girl friends: Itala Corna and Giulia Marcolini. It took me quite a long time to get there, as the road was crowded. The bright spot preceded by the two white doves appeared soon and slowly came nearer and nearer, showing the Holy Family in a brighter way than usual. Baby Jesus' bright and blue eyes of this apparition attracted my attention especially. His frock - which covered Him from tip to toe - was threadbare, in the shape of a pink-coloured gold-starred shirt. Our Lady was wearing a blue dress with a white long veil coming down for her head. Small stars formed a glory around her face; on her feet, she had two roses and in her joined hands, the Rosary.
Many people had urged me to ask Our Lady to heal their children and to ask when peace would come. I reported everything to the Lady who answered me: “Tell them that if they want their children to be healed they must repent, pray a lot and avoid certain sins. If people repent soon the war will finish in two months, otherwise it will go on for two more years." She told her beads with me then they slowly drew away and disappeared".
From the stream of people who arrived afterwards, it was believed that all the prayers and repentance Our Lady had asked for had been accomplished and everybody thought that the war would finish within two months' time. Instead, two months after that 15th of May, on Thursday the 20th of July there was the attempt on Hitler's life, which caused the beginning of Germany's decline and its successive defeat. The war lasted until the end of Easter 1945, with the gradual cessation of hostilities. Our Lady had foretold that event exactly: "little less than two years".
In the afternoon Adelaide went to the parish recreation centre where she was questioned by sister Concetta about the apparitions. Adelaide revealed, among other things, that Our Lady's manifestations were always preceded by the flight of two white birds and that the Virgin Mary spoke the Bergamasque dialect. The child went back home quickly but had to press her parents to be allowed to go to her appointment with Our Lady at 18:00 hours.
From Adelaide's diary:
"On occasion of this apparition I had to ask insistently for the time to the crowd surrounding my house as everybody made me believe it was only five, but in my heart I knew it was six, the time schedule given to me by Our Lady. At my urging of letting me go, a man took me up in his arms and walked as far as the place of the apparitions. Similarly to the other evenings the bright spot appeared in the sky preceded by the two doves and Our Lady with Baby Jesus and Saint Joseph manifested themselves again. Their clothes were the same as the previous day.
The Virgin Mary smiled at me, then with a sorrowful expression she said: “Many mothers have impaired children on account of their great sins; let's get them to sin no more and their children will be healed ”. I asked for a visible sign in order to satisfy the wishes of the people. She answered: “That will come in due time. Pray for the poor sinners who need the children's prayers”. After saying that, She went off and disappeared."
That day was the last time that Adelaide attended the primary school of Ghiaie di Bonate. She was questioned by her teacher about the apparitions and her story sounded convincing. When back home, Adelaide was taken to her room by her mother who asked her weeping about the truth on the apparitions. Adelaide confirmed once again.
From Adelaide's diary:
"When the usual time came, I went to the place of the apparitions. The two doves preceded the bright spot and Our Lady showed herself dressed in red; she also wore a green mantle with a long trail. Around the three light circles there were eight angels alternatively dressed in blue and pink, all below Our Lady's elbows, arranged in a semicircle. As soon as I saw Our Lady she spoke to me right away and confided a secret reserved to the Bishop and the Pope using these words: “Tell the Bishop and the Pope the secret I am confiding to you … I advise you to do what you are told, but do not tell this to anyone else”. Then She slowly disappeared".
Three days later, on the 20th May, Adelaide was taken to the Bishop's for revealing the secret. What was so important in the secret for the Bishop to go to Gandino on purpose, towards half June 1944, where the young girl was at the time, to have it repeated to himself? Adelaide was also taken to Rome in 1949 and was granted a private audience by Pope Pius XII to whom she confided the secret Our Lady had revealed on the 17th May 1944.
The crowd grew bigger quickly at Ghiaie di Bonate. Everybody wanted to see the child and many were really worried about her safety. A Roman sergeant helped the small group reach the place of the apparitions.
From Adelaide's diary:
"During the recreation hours I kept thinking of the Lady and towards five I went for a snack in order to be punctual at the place of the apparitions. Our Lady's visit was preceded by the two doves. The Virgin was dressed in red with her green mantle, surrounded by little angels, like yesterday.
Our Lady smiled at me, then for three times She repeated these words: “Prayers and repentance”.Then She added: “Pray for the poor stubborn sinners who are dying in this moment and who pierce my Heart”.
Many people had urged me to ask Our Lady which prayer She appreciated better. I expressed this wish and She answered: “The prayer I like best is the Hail Mary”. After saying this, Our Lady slowly disappeared".
On that day the bills of the faithful were carried to the place of apparition with their supplications. There was a large crowd and Adelaide reached the place with great difficulty. From that evening on, doctor Eliana Maggi will always attend the event alongside the girl.
From Adelaide's diary:
"Like all the other evenings I went to the usual place where a granite slab had been laid down for me to get on to during the apparitions. I saw the bright spot and the presence of the Holy Family in it. Our Lady was wearing a veil and her light-blue dress. A white sash was tied round her waist; she had roses on her feet and the beads in her hands. Baby Jesus was still wearing a golden-starred pink frock and kept His small hands clasped. His face was serene and nearly smiling. Saint Joseph was serene but did not smile; he was dressed in brown, from his shoulders a length of brown material hung down like a cloak and he held a stick with a lily in blossom on its top. There were also some angels.
Our Lady looked at me smiling but I began to speak first and expressed the wish of many with these words: "Dear Lady, the people told me to ask you whether their sick children must be carried here for being healed."
In a heavenly voice She answered: “No, it is not necessary for everybody to come here, those who can afford it may come and they will be healed or remain sick according to their sacrifices, but they must not commit great sins anymore”. I begged Her to work a miracle so that the people might believe her words. She answered: “The time for it will come, many will be converted and I will be recognized by the Church”. Then She added gravely: “Meditate upon these words all the days of your life, summon up your courage in all your sorrows. You will see me again in the hour of your death, I will keep you under my cloak and will take you to Heaven”.
Adelaide, escorted by the parish priest don Cesare Vitali and by her cousin Maria, went to Bergamo to the Bishop's in order to reveal him the secret disclosed by the Virgin Mary. Her cousin spoke to the Bishop about the announcement given by Adelaide of a miracle that would happen at the end of the first cycle of apparitions. That evening, at the Ghiaie, there was a huge crow waiting for Adelaide.
From Adelaide's diary:
"Like all the other evenings I got on to the granite slab and waited for Our dear Lady to show herself. The Holy Family appeared again and Our Lady told me: “Tomorrow will be the last time I speak to you, then for seven days I will let you reflect on what I have told you. Try and get my words straight, as they will be very useful for you when you grow up if you want to become all mine. After these seven days I will come back four times more”. Her voice sounded so harmonious and sweet that, so far as I tried to reproduce it, I was never able to.
Like at Fatima, celestial phenomena took place at Ghiaie too, such as had never been seen before.
Doctor Eliana Maggi testified with a deposition under oath on the 16th January 1946 before the Episcopal Committee:" That Saturday was a rainy day. At the outset of the apparition a sunray shone on the child's head. I raised my eyes to the sky and saw a cross-shaped rift in the sky and a shower of golden and silvery spots, for a minute or two, and everybody hailed it as a miracle". Don Luigi Cortesi wrote in connection with the solar phenomena of that Saturday evening:"Somebody noticed a strange beam of light, shining upon the child and reverberating over the surrounding faces. Others noticed the sun had a cross shape; others saw the solar disc whirl dizzily forming a ring not larger than half metre. In the lower layers of the atmosphere some people saw a rain of gold stars, small yellow clouds in the shape of hoops, so thick and near that somebody tried to catch them in full flight. On the onlookers' hands and faces the most various colours shaded off, with the yellow colour prevailing over the others; phosphorescent hands were seen, light globes in the shape of Hosts… "
The apparition of that Sunday was the last of the first cycle. Since the early morning, a human stream flowed into Ghiaie di Bonate. A sturdy fence was raised all around the place of the apparitions and in the late afternoon some keen men got several sick people lay down inside it. During the apparition, Adelaide was submitted to several tests by the physicians present.
From Adelaide's diary:
This apparition was also preceded by the doves and the Holy Family revealed itself in the bright spot. They were dressed like yesterday, but they stood in the middle of a church. Towards the main door there was: a greyish donkey, a white sheep, a white-haired brown-spotted dog, and a customary brown horse. The four beasts were kneeling and moved their mouth as if in prayer. Suddenly the horse got up and passing by Our Lady's shoulders went out of the open door and set out along the only road leading to a field of lilies, but it could not tread on as many as it wanted because Saint Joseph ran after it and got hold of it. As soon as the horse saw Saint Joseph, it tried to hide near a low wall that served as enclosure of the field of lilies; there it let itself be caught docilely. Lead by Saint Joseph, it got back to the church where it knelt down and resumed its prayers.
That day I explained that vision only by saying that the horse was a bad person who wanted to destroy the good ones. Now I can better explain the feelings produced in me by that vision. In the horse I envisaged a superb person, wicked and greedy for power. After giving up prayer, he wanted to destroy the lilies of the magnificent field by trampling on and destroying their freshness and simple candour stealthily. It should be noted that while the horse was ravaging the field it showed a hint of mischief as it tried not to be seen. When the horse saw Saint Joseph coming its way it gave up its stealthy damage and tried to hide near the low wall enclosing the field. Saint Joseph approached it with a sweet look of reproach and led it back to the house of prayer. While the horse was doing damage, the other animals did not interrupt their prayers.
The four animals stand for the four indispensable virtues to make a holy family. The horse - the leader - must not give up praying because when far from it, it is only capable of mess and ruin. It thus rejects patience, faithfulness, meekness and familiar silence, symbolized by the other beasts. Nobody spoke in this vision and everything disappeared slowly.
N. B. The peculiar spots of the dog's hair stand for the corrupted family faithfulness. The open door of the temple is a figure of the freedom that God grants to every creature. "
That evening impressive solar phenomena took place at Ghiaie di Bonate and in Lombardy.
Many were the testimonies of the people who were on the spot or in the neighbouring villages. Towards six hours, the sun came out of the clouds, whirled dizzily on itself projecting beams of yellow, green, red, blue, violet light in all directions; the beams of light coloured the clouds, the fields, the trees and the stream of people. After a few minutes the sun stopped its whirl and those phenomena began soon again. Many noticed that the disc had turned white like a Host; the clouds seemed to be lowering down on the people. Some noticed a Rosary in the sky, some others a majestic Lady with a trail cloak. Some other people, further off, saw Our Lady's face looming in the sun. From Bergamo many witnesses observed the sun become pale and radiate all the rainbow colours, shed in all directions; they also noticed a large yellow light beam falling over the Ghiaie perpendicularly.
Adelaide spent the week fruitfully in a spiritual retreat in Bergamo, at the Orsoline Sisters', in order to prepare herself to First Communion. Several pilgrims arrived at Ghiaie di Bonate, urged by their great faith. The rumour of miraculous healings had spread. It was Whit Sunday. Adelaide received her First Communion and was soon taken back to Bergamo into the Sisters' convent. She would go back to the place of the apparitions in the late afternoon.
From Adelaide's diary:
"On this day I received my First Communion. Like all the other evenings I was taken to the place of the apparitions and the bright spot appeared again, revealing Our Lady with the angels and two Saints at her side. The Lady told me: “Pray for the stubborn sinners who make my Heart suffer because they do not think of death. Pray also for the Holy Father who is living difficult moments. He is ill treated by many and many attempt his life. I will protect him and he will not leave the Vatican. Peace is coming soon, but I am anxious for that world peace in which everybody loves one another like brothers. Only this way the Pope will suffer less”.
Our Lady held two black doves in her hands. They stand for the harmony married couples must have in order to create blessed families in the presence of Our Lady. She teaches also that there cannot exist a blessed family without living trustfully in Our Lady's motherly hands.
Our Lady did not reveal the name of those two Saints she had at her sides. Only by internal inspiration I had a clear insight about their names: Saint Matthew and Saint Judas. The name Judas stirs up a sad memory in my heart because I betrayed, though unintentionally, the Blessed Virgin. In this apparition I can see Our Lady's exquisite charitable spirit. By showing Saint Judas She wanted to warn me about the trials I would suffer for asserting her motherly and secure word that unfortunately I could not bear. I feel that sense of guilt lying heavily in my conscience, but even if I imitated Judas the traitor, nevertheless I want to become holy and follow the example of Saint Judas by being an apostle and martyr for Jesus' and Our Lady's sake. Saint Matthew inspires a sense of confidence in my salvation because he was a sinner too but followed Jesus and became an apostle of his name.
The two Saints were dressed in violet and wore a brown cloak. Our Lady was dressed in red and wore her green mantle; She also wore a crown-shaped diadem studded with small bright variously coloured pearls. Before leaving she turned her eyes to the two Saints, then slowly disappeared".
The solar phenomenon repeated itself; it will be seen not only at Ghiaie but also in very distant places.
From the parish journal of Tavernola, dated June 1944, one can read: "At 18 hours sharp, people noticed a fading of the solar light together with a flash, similar to a sudden lightning; the phenomenon was first distinctively observed by some bowlers. The sun looked green, then bright red, then gold yellow… furthermore, it whirled dizzily. On seeing that spectacle, people poured into the streets …"
As it was known later, through the revelations of the SS general Karl Wolf, stationed in Italy, the Pope had run a serious risk of being transported to Germany and Rome had risked becoming another Stalingrad.
Also on that Monday a stream of people flowed to the place of the apparitions. The flux of sick and invalid people was so impressive at Ghiaie di Bonate that a special service of volunteers, Red Cross nurses, doctors and ambulances had to be put up. There were many miraculous recoveries in the field so much so that Bergamo's Curia established a special office for the customary investigations.
From Adelaide's diary:
"Also in this apparition the Virgin Mary appeared with some angels, dressed in red and with her green mantle; her manifestation was preceded by the two doves and the bright spot. She held the two black doves in her hands and carried a Rosary on her arm.
The Blessed Virgin smiled at me and said: “The sick who want to be healed must trust me more and sanctify their suffering if they want to earn Paradise. If they do not do this, they will not be awarded and will be severely punished instead. I hope that all those who get to know my words will make every kind of efforts to earn Paradise. Those who suffer without complaining will obtain anything they ask from my Son and me. Pray a lot for those who have a sick soul; my Son Jesus died on the cross to save them. Many people do not understand these words of mine, that is why I suffer so much”.
While Our Lady was touching her mouth to send me a kiss by joining her forefinger and thumb, the two doves fluttered around her and escorted the Blessed Virgin while she went off very slowly".
From Adelaide's diary:
"In this apparition the Blessed Virgin appeared dressed in pink with a white veil. She had the dark doves with her no more; around Her there were only angels.
With a more than motherly smile She told me: “Dear child, you are all mine, but even if you are dearest to my heart, tomorrow I'll leave you in this valley of sorrow and weep. You will see me again in your hour; I will take you to Paradise enwrapped in my mantle. I will also take with me those who understand you and suffer”.
She blessed me and went off more quickly than the other evenings.
The flow of pilgrims from everywhere carried on uninterruptedly since the night before, so much so that the authorities were worried for the public order. It is held that more than 90.000 people arrived form Piedmont, many of which on foot. That afternoon, the sun rays were scorching, the crowd huge. Towards 18:30, Adelaide was carried by a commissioner to the place of the apparitions in his arms. Adelaide complained of sharp pains in her inside. The doctors consulted together. In spite of the pain, nobody could persuade her to go home. Then, suddenly, she got up on her feet and started praying. After some time, she said firmly: "She is coming any moment now! ". She let out a deep sigh and her look became clear and radiant. The holy Family was there.
From Adelaide's diary:
Our Lady appeared at eight that day. She was dressed like in the first apparition. She smiled but not so cheerfully like on the other occasions, but her voice was sweet.
She said: “Dear daughter, I am sorry I must leave you, but my time has passed. Do not lose heart if you do not see me for a while. Think of what I have told you; I will come back in your hour. You will be a little martyr in this valley of real sorrows. Do not get discouraged, I wish my triumph to happen soon. Pray for the Pope and tell him to act quickly because I want to be solicitous to everyone in this place. Anything is required from me, I will intercede with my Son for it. I will be your award if your martyrdom is cheerful. These words of mine will be of great comfort to you in your trials. Endure everything patiently and then you will reach me in Paradise. Those who make you suffer intentionally will not come to Heaven if they do not make amends for their wrongs and do not repent deeply. Cheer up, because we will meet again, my dear little martyr”.
I felt a sweet and gentle kiss on my forehead, then she disappeared like she had done the other evenings.
N. B. The two white doves preceded each visit of Our Lady. The Blessed Virgin always had white roses on her feet ".
The solar phenomenon was observed also on the 31st May, both at Ghiaie and in other places. Many recoveries took place on that day.
Date: Tuesday 16th May 1944
Time: 18:00
Attendance: About 150 people
Vision: The Holy Family
From Adelaide's diary:
"On occasion of this apparition I had to ask insistently for the time to the crowd surrounding my house as everybody made me believe it was only five, but in my heart I knew it was six, the time schedule given to me by Our Lady. At my urging of letting me go, a man took me up in his arms and walked as far as the place of the apparitions. Similarly to the other evenings the bright spot appeared in the sky preceded by the two doves and Our Lady with Baby Jesus and Saint Joseph manifested themselves again. Their clothes were the same as the previous day.
The Virgin Mary smiled at me, then with a sorrowful expression she said: “Many mothers have impaired children on account of their great sins; let's get them to sin no more and their children will be healed ”. I asked for a visible sign in order to satisfy the wishes of the people. She answered: “That will come in due time. Pray for the poor sinners who need the children's prayers”. After saying that, She went off and disappeared."
Date: Wednesday 17th May 1944
Time: 18:00
Attendance: About 3000 people
Vision: the Blessed Virgin Mary with eight angels
That day was the last time that Adelaide attended the primary school of Ghiaie di Bonate. She was questioned by her teacher about the apparitions and her story sounded convincing. When back home, Adelaide was taken to her room by her mother who asked her weeping about the truth on the apparitions. Adelaide confirmed once again.
From Adelaide's diary:
"When the usual time came, I went to the place of the apparitions. The two doves preceded the bright spot and Our Lady showed herself dressed in red; she also wore a green mantle with a long trail. Around the three light circles there were eight angels alternatively dressed in blue and pink, all below Our Lady's elbows, arranged in a semicircle. As soon as I saw Our Lady she spoke to me right away and confided a secret reserved to the Bishop and the Pope using these words: “Tell the Bishop and the Pope the secret I am confiding to you … I advise you to do what you are told, but do not tell this to anyone else”. Then She slowly disappeared".
Three days later, on the 20th May, Adelaide was taken to the Bishop's for revealing the secret. What was so important in the secret for the Bishop to go to Gandino on purpose, towards half June 1944, where the young girl was at the time, to have it repeated to himself? Adelaide was also taken to Rome in 1949 and was granted a private audience by Pope Pius XII to whom she confided the secret Our Lady had revealed on the 17th May 1944.
Date: Thursday 18th May, Assumption Day
Time: 18:00
Attendance: About 7000 people
Vision: The Blessed Virgin Mary with eight angels
From Adelaide's diary:
"During the recreation hours I kept thinking of the Lady and towards five I went for a snack in order to be punctual at the place of the apparitions. Our Lady's visit was preceded by the two doves. The Virgin was dressed in red with her green mantle, surrounded by little angels, like yesterday.
Our Lady smiled at me, then for three times She repeated these words: “Prayers and repentance”.Then She added: “Pray for the poor stubborn sinners who are dying in this moment and who pierce my Heart”.
Many people had urged me to ask Our Lady which prayer She appreciated better. I expressed this wish and She answered: “The prayer I like best is the Hail Mary”. After saying this, Our Lady slowly disappeared".
Date: Friday 19th May
Time: 18:00
Attendance: about 10.000 people
Vision: The Holy Family
On that day the bills of the faithful were carried to the place of apparition with their supplications. There was a large crowd and Adelaide reached the place with great difficulty. From that evening on, doctor Eliana Maggi will always attend the event alongside the girl.
From Adelaide's diary:
"Like all the other evenings I went to the usual place where a granite slab had been laid down for me to get on to during the apparitions. I saw the bright spot and the presence of the Holy Family in it. Our Lady was wearing a veil and her light-blue dress. A white sash was tied round her waist; she had roses on her feet and the beads in her hands. Baby Jesus was still wearing a golden-starred pink frock and kept His small hands clasped. His face was serene and nearly smiling. Saint Joseph was serene but did not smile; he was dressed in brown, from his shoulders a length of brown material hung down like a cloak and he held a stick with a lily in blossom on its top. There were also some angels.
Our Lady looked at me smiling but I began to speak first and expressed the wish of many with these words: "Dear Lady, the people told me to ask you whether their sick children must be carried here for being healed."
In a heavenly voice She answered: “No, it is not necessary for everybody to come here, those who can afford it may come and they will be healed or remain sick according to their sacrifices, but they must not commit great sins anymore”. I begged Her to work a miracle so that the people might believe her words. She answered: “The time for it will come, many will be converted and I will be recognized by the Church”. Then She added gravely: “Meditate upon these words all the days of your life, summon up your courage in all your sorrows. You will see me again in the hour of your death, I will keep you under my cloak and will take you to Heaven”.
Date: Saturday 20th May
Time: 18:00
Attendance: about 30.000 people
Vision: The Holy Family
Adelaide, escorted by the parish priest don Cesare Vitali and by her cousin Maria, went to Bergamo to the Bishop's in order to reveal him the secret disclosed by the Virgin Mary. Her cousin spoke to the Bishop about the announcement given by Adelaide of a miracle that would happen at the end of the first cycle of apparitions. That evening, at the Ghiaie, there was a huge crow waiting for Adelaide.
From Adelaide's diary:
"Like all the other evenings I got on to the granite slab and waited for Our dear Lady to show herself. The Holy Family appeared again and Our Lady told me: “Tomorrow will be the last time I speak to you, then for seven days I will let you reflect on what I have told you. Try and get my words straight, as they will be very useful for you when you grow up if you want to become all mine. After these seven days I will come back four times more”. Her voice sounded so harmonious and sweet that, so far as I tried to reproduce it, I was never able to.
Like at Fatima, celestial phenomena took place at Ghiaie too, such as had never been seen before.
Doctor Eliana Maggi testified with a deposition under oath on the 16th January 1946 before the Episcopal Committee:" That Saturday was a rainy day. At the outset of the apparition a sunray shone on the child's head. I raised my eyes to the sky and saw a cross-shaped rift in the sky and a shower of golden and silvery spots, for a minute or two, and everybody hailed it as a miracle". Don Luigi Cortesi wrote in connection with the solar phenomena of that Saturday evening:"Somebody noticed a strange beam of light, shining upon the child and reverberating over the surrounding faces. Others noticed the sun had a cross shape; others saw the solar disc whirl dizzily forming a ring not larger than half metre. In the lower layers of the atmosphere some people saw a rain of gold stars, small yellow clouds in the shape of hoops, so thick and near that somebody tried to catch them in full flight. On the onlookers' hands and faces the most various colours shaded off, with the yellow colour prevailing over the others; phosphorescent hands were seen, light globes in the shape of Hosts… "
Date: Sunday 21st May
Time: 18:00
Attendance: About 200.000 people
Vision: The Holy Family
From Adelaide's diary:
This apparition was also preceded by the doves and the Holy Family revealed itself in the bright spot. They were dressed like yesterday, but they stood in the middle of a church. Towards the main door there was: a greyish donkey, a white sheep, a white-haired brown-spotted dog, and a customary brown horse. The four beasts were kneeling and moved their mouth as if in prayer. Suddenly the horse got up and passing by Our Lady's shoulders went out of the open door and set out along the only road leading to a field of lilies, but it could not tread on as many as it wanted because Saint Joseph ran after it and got hold of it. As soon as the horse saw Saint Joseph, it tried to hide near a low wall that served as enclosure of the field of lilies; there it let itself be caught docilely. Lead by Saint Joseph, it got back to the church where it knelt down and resumed its prayers.
That day I explained that vision only by saying that the horse was a bad person who wanted to destroy the good ones. Now I can better explain the feelings produced in me by that vision. In the horse I envisaged a superb person, wicked and greedy for power. After giving up prayer, he wanted to destroy the lilies of the magnificent field by trampling on and destroying their freshness and simple candour stealthily. It should be noted that while the horse was ravaging the field it showed a hint of mischief as it tried not to be seen. When the horse saw Saint Joseph coming its way it gave up its stealthy damage and tried to hide near the low wall enclosing the field. Saint Joseph approached it with a sweet look of reproach and led it back to the house of prayer. While the horse was doing damage, the other animals did not interrupt their prayers.
The four animals stand for the four indispensable virtues to make a holy family. The horse - the leader - must not give up praying because when far from it, it is only capable of mess and ruin. It thus rejects patience, faithfulness, meekness and familiar silence, symbolized by the other beasts. Nobody spoke in this vision and everything disappeared slowly.
N. B. The peculiar spots of the dog's hair stand for the corrupted family faithfulness. The open door of the temple is a figure of the freedom that God grants to every creature. "
That evening impressive solar phenomena took place at Ghiaie di Bonate and in Lombardy.
Many were the testimonies of the people who were on the spot or in the neighbouring villages. Towards six hours, the sun came out of the clouds, whirled dizzily on itself projecting beams of yellow, green, red, blue, violet light in all directions; the beams of light coloured the clouds, the fields, the trees and the stream of people. After a few minutes the sun stopped its whirl and those phenomena began soon again. Many noticed that the disc had turned white like a Host; the clouds seemed to be lowering down on the people. Some noticed a Rosary in the sky, some others a majestic Lady with a trail cloak. Some other people, further off, saw Our Lady's face looming in the sun. From Bergamo many witnesses observed the sun become pale and radiate all the rainbow colours, shed in all directions; they also noticed a large yellow light beam falling over the Ghiaie perpendicularly.
Date: Sunday 28th May
Time: 18:00
Attendance: About 300.000 people
Vision: the Blessed Virgin Mary with two Saints on either side
Adelaide spent the week fruitfully in a spiritual retreat in Bergamo, at the Orsoline Sisters', in order to prepare herself to First Communion. Several pilgrims arrived at Ghiaie di Bonate, urged by their great faith. The rumour of miraculous healings had spread. It was Whit Sunday. Adelaide received her First Communion and was soon taken back to Bergamo into the Sisters' convent. She would go back to the place of the apparitions in the late afternoon.
From Adelaide's diary:
"On this day I received my First Communion. Like all the other evenings I was taken to the place of the apparitions and the bright spot appeared again, revealing Our Lady with the angels and two Saints at her side. The Lady told me: “Pray for the stubborn sinners who make my Heart suffer because they do not think of death. Pray also for the Holy Father who is living difficult moments. He is ill treated by many and many attempt his life. I will protect him and he will not leave the Vatican. Peace is coming soon, but I am anxious for that world peace in which everybody loves one another like brothers. Only this way the Pope will suffer less”.
Our Lady held two black doves in her hands. They stand for the harmony married couples must have in order to create blessed families in the presence of Our Lady. She teaches also that there cannot exist a blessed family without living trustfully in Our Lady's motherly hands.
Our Lady did not reveal the name of those two Saints she had at her sides. Only by internal inspiration I had a clear insight about their names: Saint Matthew and Saint Judas. The name Judas stirs up a sad memory in my heart because I betrayed, though unintentionally, the Blessed Virgin. In this apparition I can see Our Lady's exquisite charitable spirit. By showing Saint Judas She wanted to warn me about the trials I would suffer for asserting her motherly and secure word that unfortunately I could not bear. I feel that sense of guilt lying heavily in my conscience, but even if I imitated Judas the traitor, nevertheless I want to become holy and follow the example of Saint Judas by being an apostle and martyr for Jesus' and Our Lady's sake. Saint Matthew inspires a sense of confidence in my salvation because he was a sinner too but followed Jesus and became an apostle of his name.
The two Saints were dressed in violet and wore a brown cloak. Our Lady was dressed in red and wore her green mantle; She also wore a crown-shaped diadem studded with small bright variously coloured pearls. Before leaving she turned her eyes to the two Saints, then slowly disappeared".
The solar phenomenon repeated itself; it will be seen not only at Ghiaie but also in very distant places.
From the parish journal of Tavernola, dated June 1944, one can read: "At 18 hours sharp, people noticed a fading of the solar light together with a flash, similar to a sudden lightning; the phenomenon was first distinctively observed by some bowlers. The sun looked green, then bright red, then gold yellow… furthermore, it whirled dizzily. On seeing that spectacle, people poured into the streets …"
As it was known later, through the revelations of the SS general Karl Wolf, stationed in Italy, the Pope had run a serious risk of being transported to Germany and Rome had risked becoming another Stalingrad.
Date: Monday 29th May
Time: 18:32
Attendance: About 300.000 people
Vision: The Blessed Virgin Mary with angels
Also on that Monday a stream of people flowed to the place of the apparitions. The flux of sick and invalid people was so impressive at Ghiaie di Bonate that a special service of volunteers, Red Cross nurses, doctors and ambulances had to be put up. There were many miraculous recoveries in the field so much so that Bergamo's Curia established a special office for the customary investigations.
From Adelaide's diary:
"Also in this apparition the Virgin Mary appeared with some angels, dressed in red and with her green mantle; her manifestation was preceded by the two doves and the bright spot. She held the two black doves in her hands and carried a Rosary on her arm.
The Blessed Virgin smiled at me and said: “The sick who want to be healed must trust me more and sanctify their suffering if they want to earn Paradise. If they do not do this, they will not be awarded and will be severely punished instead. I hope that all those who get to know my words will make every kind of efforts to earn Paradise. Those who suffer without complaining will obtain anything they ask from my Son and me. Pray a lot for those who have a sick soul; my Son Jesus died on the cross to save them. Many people do not understand these words of mine, that is why I suffer so much”.
While Our Lady was touching her mouth to send me a kiss by joining her forefinger and thumb, the two doves fluttered around her and escorted the Blessed Virgin while she went off very slowly".
Date: Tuesday 30th May
Time: 18:50
Attendance: About 250.000 people
Vision: The Blessed Virgin Mary with angels
That day sultriness was oppressive. Besides heat and weariness, people pushed frightfully on the enclosure, which was really tough to withstand.
From Adelaide's diary:
"In this apparition the Blessed Virgin appeared dressed in pink with a white veil. She had the dark doves with her no more; around Her there were only angels.
With a more than motherly smile She told me: “Dear child, you are all mine, but even if you are dearest to my heart, tomorrow I'll leave you in this valley of sorrow and weep. You will see me again in your hour; I will take you to Paradise enwrapped in my mantle. I will also take with me those who understand you and suffer”.
She blessed me and went off more quickly than the other evenings.
Date: Wednesday 31st May
Time: 20:00
Attendance: about 350.000 people
Vision: the Holy Family
From Adelaide's diary:
Our Lady appeared at eight that day. She was dressed like in the first apparition. She smiled but not so cheerfully like on the other occasions, but her voice was sweet.
She said: “Dear daughter, I am sorry I must leave you, but my time has passed. Do not lose heart if you do not see me for a while. Think of what I have told you; I will come back in your hour. You will be a little martyr in this valley of real sorrows. Do not get discouraged, I wish my triumph to happen soon. Pray for the Pope and tell him to act quickly because I want to be solicitous to everyone in this place. Anything is required from me, I will intercede with my Son for it. I will be your award if your martyrdom is cheerful. These words of mine will be of great comfort to you in your trials. Endure everything patiently and then you will reach me in Paradise. Those who make you suffer intentionally will not come to Heaven if they do not make amends for their wrongs and do not repent deeply. Cheer up, because we will meet again, my dear little martyr”.
I felt a sweet and gentle kiss on my forehead, then she disappeared like she had done the other evenings.
N. B. The two white doves preceded each visit of Our Lady. The Blessed Virgin always had white roses on her feet ".
The solar phenomenon was observed also on the 31st May, both at Ghiaie and in other places. Many recoveries took place on that day.